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camouflage your TV with an art gallery wall

>> Monday, April 11, 2011

A lot of us have a huge plasma screen in our family rooms, which is not always the prettiest thing to stare at! We all love our television sets, but I rather it not be the focal point of the room. A great way to make the TV less of an eye sore is to camouflage the TV with an art gallery wall.

Here is some great inspiration.

 I would love to look at pictures of family or art that I love, rather than to look at a blank wall behind the TV.

If you like collecting mirrors, show off your collection as done by this homeowner. Create a mirror gallery wall!

This picture is by coastal living and I love the large bold art behind the TV.

Hope I didn't fail to inspire you today!

Check out more ideas for every room here.



Kristie at The Decorologist.com April 11, 2011 at 11:08 AM  

that's a great way to downplay the black hole, isn't it? love it :)

Heather @ Life Made Lovely April 11, 2011 at 6:45 PM  

i love these ideas. that last one is fab!!

Kristen April 13, 2011 at 6:00 AM  

I would totally do this...but we have a super old, super clunky and thick television. I don't think anything can camouflage this thing.

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Anonymous,  April 14, 2011 at 1:29 PM  

Great idea...I am currently trying to figure out the best place to put our TV when we knock down the fireplace. I hate to have it over the FP but I have yet to figure out another option...hmmm...

Sweet European Dreams April 15, 2011 at 7:37 AM  

LOVE this. My husband thinks that TVs are in fact true decor, but I have to disagree! Now I'm off to see what items I can use to mask ours a little! -diane http://www.sweeteuropeandreams.com

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